Cât câștigă acasă un stăpân stăpânitor

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„Şi cu duh stăpânitor mă întăreşte...

For more than 30 years, labels, artists, producers and engineers fought to create louder and louder master recordings. There is no such correlation.

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Though the quality of some of those recordings is open to debate, no one disagrees that they certainly were extremely loud. This approach had its origins in the 90s with bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam, and culminated in with the famous or infamous — depending on who you talk to album Death Magnetic by Metallica.

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When the album was released, there were petitions submitted to the record label, reported by Rolling Stone Magazine, to have the album re-mastered, because it was so compressed and limited in order to be really loud that audible distortion could be clearly heard. Death Magnetic won three Grammy Awards.

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The album went to No. Sales achieved an impressive status of 2X Platinum in the U. Again, the debate regarding the inherent quality of these recordings will always be open. That componenta temporară a opțiunii Did they hurt record sales?

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What then, is the common denominator of music production practices, and in this case specifically mastering approaches, that create phenomenal success? You probably know the answer already. No way. I give up. Before we dive into the technical aspect of loudness and mastering Post-Loudness WarsI invite your attention first, to the main moral of our story. How can an album with agreed-upon post-production flaws achieve such incredible sales results and accolades from the very critics and fans who complained about the production?

The songs. The performances.

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More precisely, it comes down to the emotional impact of the music itself, and the performance of that music on the listener, a. In other words, the bottom line is not so much how we master, but WHAT we master.

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Yes, we will be getting into the nitty-gritty technical aspects of mastering in this series, but I want to shine the brightest light I can on the importance of why we are here at all: The Music. And performing that music to the very best of our capabilities. There is a purpose I believe we all share: To get under the skin and into the soul of listeners through the emotional impact of our music and the emotional impact of the recordings of that music.

A shining example of the power that great songwriting and solid performances bring to the production table occurred on November cât câștigă acasă un stăpân stăpânitor, She uploaded a song onto SoundCloud. Little did Billie and Finneas know, but that simple upload, recorded in their foot by foot humble, slightly cluttered or not-so-slightly clutteredsimple home studiowent viral.

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Adding his finesse to the formula with unique and competent production, Finneas knew that without the magic of a great song and solid performances, production alone only goes so far. This is an amazing story that illustrates how much power every single home studio owner can potentially harness through the unstoppable magic of a great song and solid performances, framed by competent mixing and mastering.

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And the secret behind competent mixing and mastering is not the gear. This is why I spent more than 5 years developing revolutionary music production ear-training exercises which are at the core of The Lucrative Home Studio Online Masterclass.

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All from humble home studios. Guided by golden ears.

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So, with your focus mainly on the music and performances, with your ear more finely tuned, and with a growing education regarding mixing, you can now tackle the subject and definition of mastering. A Modern Definition of Mastering for the Home Studio Producer Mastering for the Home Studio Producer can be defined as: The workflow architecture and series of steps designed to create a competitive finished recording.

The definition of a finished recording is: No emotional weak cât câștigă acasă un stăpân stăpânitor for the listener, from the very first note to the last moment of silence.

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This definition at once includes the choice of content. The song.


And the performances. It is not a technical definition. It has nothing to do with watching meters. Stay tuned for Part Two of this series where Gary discusses Home Studio Mastering and the transition from the Loudness War to the Battle of Normalization from a unique and ear-opening perspective!
